

NRNA CHIBA 会長からのメッセージ
ナマステ、NRNA CHIBAからのご挨拶です。NRNA(在日ネパール人協会)は、ネパールを離れて180日以上生活しているネパール人のための主要な組織です。私たちはNRNAチームの一翼を担っています。まず初めに、すべてのメンバーと先輩方にご支援とチームワークに心より感謝申し上げます。
Sameer Jung Khadka

NRNA NCC JAPAN 会長からのメッセージ
NRNA NCC JAPANは、すべてのネパール人市民やネパール系の人々の健康、財政、安全を確保することを目指し、この外国の地でコミュニティの向上のためにすべてのネパール人を団結させるという使命に取り組んでいます。
NRNA NCC JAPANの主要な特徴の一つはその多様性です。私たちのコアチームは、さまざまな経験と背景を持つ幅広いメンバーで構成されており、移民人口のさまざまな問題に対処するスキルと能力、そして社会サービスの専門知識が私たちの任期の効果ivenessを高めています。したがって、私たちは任期中、日本に在住するネパール人の福祉のために働き、また、日本の国内外の組織とのネットワークを確立することによって、NRNA JAPANの視野を広げていきます。
Nabin Neure
– NRNA NCC JAPAN 2023 – 2025

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Frequently Asked Questions
The term ‘Non Resident Nepali’ (NRN) defined by the law made by the Parliament of the Nepal. This term is used to indicate two types of People. It is used for persons of Nepali origin holding citizenship of countries other than member states of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and Nepali nationals residing outside of SAARC member states.
The Non Resident Nepali Association (NRNA) was established to unite the Nepali Diaspora; utilise their knowledge, skills, resources in the interest of Nepal and involve them in the socio-economic development of Nepal and the Nepali people.
The idea of establishing a global Nepali organization (NRNA) was conceptualized by Nepalese living in Russia in 2002, later to globalize and materialize the idea, a few Nepali community leaders residing in various countries of the world met in London, in 2003 and decided to form a Coordination Committee to unite the Nepali diaspora.
The date of inauguration of the First NRN Global Conference, i e., 11th October 2003 is considered to be the establishment date of NRNA. 11th October is also declared as NRN day by Nepal Government. The formal registration of NRNA by the Government of Nepal was on 20 October 2013.
NRN Card is an identity card issued to a Non-Resident Nepali by the Government of Nepal. NRNcard entitles card holder various benefits as listed in the NRN Act and bylaws. It is issued to those who approach the concerned government body.